Investigations of the Virtual Impedance Control Mode of Synchronverter in the Power Swing
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Power electronic converter (PEC) is a key element for the successful integration of novel technologies, PEC working as inverter at novel generation technologies are the decisive components to zero-net carbon emissions in the electricity systems. The colossal penetration of IBG tends to produce several issues in the power networks. There is a tendency to agree that the voltage source converters (VSCs) empowered with the so-called grid forming (GFR) control may provide a long-term solution for the inverter-based generation-dominated power systems. This scientific paper presents an investigation (based on numerical simulations) of the effect of the virtual impedance control mode of one grid forming control technique in the power swing of power systems. Numerical time-domain simulations on test systems are used to assess the effect of the virtual impedance (VI) control mode of the synchronverter (SynC) during a power swing. In both cases, the simulation-based investigation has shown evidence of using high and low virtual impedance in both cases, considering constant impedance and proportional over-current limitation. However, this paper concludes that further assessments are required.