
A modular generative design framework for mass-customization and optimization in architectural design

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We present a modular generative design framework for design processes in thebuilt environment that provides for the unification of participatory design andoptimization to achieve mass-customization and evidence-based design. Thepaper articulates this framework mathematically as three meta proceduresframing the typical design problems as multi-dimensional, multi-criteria,multi-actor, and multi-value decision-making problems: 1) space-planning, 2)configuring, and 3) shaping; structured as to the abstraction hierarchy of thechain of decisions in design processes. These formulations allow for applyingvarious problem-solving approaches ranging from mathematical derivation &artificial intelligence to gamified play & score mechanisms and grammaticalexploration. The paper presents a general schema of the framework; elaborateson the mathematical formulation of its meta procedures; presents a spectrum ofapproaches for navigating solution spaces; discusses the specifics of spatialsimulations for ex-ante evaluation of design alternatives. The ultimatecontribution of this paper is laying the foundation of comprehensive SpatialDecision Support Systems (SDSS) for built environment design processes.

(3) (PDF) GoDesign: A modular generative design framework for mass-customization and optimization in architectural design. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/353931074_GoDesign_A_modular_generative_design_framework_for_mass-customization_and_optimization_in_architectural_design [accessed Aug 27 2021].


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