Adding Bloom to High-Dynamic-Range Tone Mapping
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We present a technique for enhancing high-dynamic-range tone mapping algorithms by adding the bloom effect to bright areas. Bloom is based on the fact that real-life lenses convolve light and make bright areas emit a glow. The algorithm takes a set of images with different exposures as input, and performs a tone mapping algorithm on these. It then takes the image with the lowest exposure value to create the bloom effect. It then perform a convolution on this image with with a kernel that represents the response to one point of light. The resulting image is then added on top of the tone mapped image. We also present parameters to change the spread of the glowing effect, how bright an area needs to be to get a significant glow, and the intensity of the glow when applied. Furthermore, the kernel can be changed to create different types of glow and highlights. These things make the technique versatile and allows the photographer to customize the effect.