Adaptive double-focusing method for source-receiver Marchenko redatuming on field data

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We present an adaptive double-focusing method for applying source-receiver Marchenko redatuming to field data. Receiver redatuming is achieved by a first focusing step, where the coupled Marchenko equations are iteratively solved for the oneway Green’s functions. Next, source redatuming is typically performed by a multi-dimensional deconvolution of these Green’s functions. Instead, we propose a second focusing step for source Marchenko redatuming, using the upgoing Green’s function and the downgoing focusing function to obtain a redatumed reflection response in the physical medium. This method makes adaptive processing more straight-forward, making it less sensitive to imperfections in the data and the acquisition geometry and more suitable for the application to field data. In addition, it is cheaper and can be parallelized by pair of focal points.


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