Topology optimization of geometrically nonlinear structures using reduced-order modeling
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High computational costs are encountered in topology optimization problems of geometrically nonlinear structures since intensive use has to be made of incremental-iterative finite element simulations. To alleviate this computational intensity, reduced-order models (ROMs) are explored in this paper. The proposed method targets ROM bases consisting of a relatively small set of base vectors while accuracy is still guaranteed. For this, several fully automated update and maintenance techniques for the ROM basis are investigated and combined. In order to remain effective for flexible structures, path derivatives are added to the ROM basis. The corresponding sensitivity analysis (SA) strategies are presented and the accuracy and efficiency are examined. Various geometrically nonlinear examples involving both solid as well as shell elements are studied to test the proposed ROM techniques. Test cases demonstrates that the set of degrees of freedom appearing in the nonlinear equilibrium equation typically reduces to several tenth. Test cases show a reduction of up to 6 times fewer full system updates.