Exploiting a multi channel receiver array in ISAR imaging
Concerning clutter suppression for maritime targets in an airborne setup
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ISAR imaging is a well known technique which uses range and Doppler information from a radar to generate an image of a moving target. Research performed on the combination of a large receive array with airborne ISAR is scarce. This thesis is aimed to reach the highest possible image quality for AMBER, a radar with a 24 element receive array which was developed by TNO. Optimizing the image quality was split up in two parts, motion compensation and clutter suppression. A literature study is performed to research the existing methods. A performance evaluation is performed on different motion compensation techniques based on a simulation which is set up to resemble the radar parameters of AMBER. Based on the results of this evaluation, keystone formatting combined with image contrast maximization is concluded to be the best fitting approach. For clutter suppression a similar approach is followed with real measured data. Apart from the existing techniques, MVDR, DPCA and ODPCA, a new technique is proposed which filtered a target from clutter based on motion. It is referenced to as the IDPCA. The techniques show better image quality than regular beam forming. To enhance the image quality more, a method is searched to combine different clutter suppression techniques. This leads to a unique method which is proposed in this thesis. The new technique exploits the circular phase variance of pixels in the range Doppler image between different sub arrays. With this approach, strong clutter can be filtered in the range Doppler domain based on its angle of arrival. The newly proposed technique is applied as a mask, as it does not contain amplitude information of the target. Combined with the ODPCA method, the final image is generated. The combination of techniques shows clear improvements from the other discussed approaches.