Affect Representation Schemes used in Music Automatic Affect Prediction

A Systematic Literature Review

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There is a correlation between music and affect which researchers try to define and use in technology to improve healthcare and users' experience in music-related technology. However, since affect is a complex term there is not a specified way on how to represent different affective states in systems. A systematic literature review was performed to give an overview of affect representation schemes (ARS) used in music affect prediction. All the studies included in this survey were found in Scopus, Web of Science and IEEE Explorer and focus on automatic affect prediction in music. What is more, the literature written in a different language than English and not from the Computer Science field was excluded. Considering the time constraint of 10 weeks, an additional feasibility filtering was conducted. That is only the documents which mention common benchmark datasets for this task were included. The datasets were chosen after the research of related work and different literature reviews related to this topic. We were aware that it might include a bias correlated to dataset popularity. At the final stage of filtering, 113 records were chosen for data extraction from which 51 were used in the analysis due to time constraints and a single person conducting this research. After synthesising and analysing the extracted data we observed that the schemes can be distinguished between dimensional and categorical approaches and both are similarly popular. A rare but existing ARS are developed by combining both scheme types in a unique representation. What is more, there is no easily visible trend over time in the usage of certain schemes and only 66% of the reviewed studies support their choices with psychological theories. While conducting this research, we encountered limitations in terms of time and the research group, so we leave a gap for future improvements in this project.
