The Village of springs
Enhancing landscape values of Tushemisht, Albania: Towards a sustainable recreational and urban development
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Located southeast of Albania, the village of Tushemisht is characterised by numerous water springs and freshwater canals emanating from these springs and dispersing through the village creating a network of water lines, and small water basins. Small houses clustered around these water lines, in some cases incorporating water into their courtyards and even their indoor environments,
create a harmonious and balanced environment. Like many other areas of Albania, Tushemisht has undergone a rapid urban development which has affected the quality and values of the urban and natural landscape. As such, new buildings such as vacation homes oriented only towards the impressive lake view
are replacing old, small and diverse houses that are already well integrated into the existing typical landscape. Land that was once used for agriculture purposes is being transformed into construction land where more multi-
story residential buildings are build that have nothing in common with the landscape and the typical architectural tradition of the village. The old tradition of fishing, fish farming and land cultivation have been replaced by
tourism-based economy. In general, people’s relation to water, and nature is being lost and alienated though time. Embedded in a culture of high informality and uncontrolled developments, the characteristic water element
of the village is in constant danger. Hence, it i crucial that these qualities are preserved and improved in the future by laying the groundwork for sustainable
development. This research aims to create a new design strategy to guide sustainable development of the village of Tushemisht by enhancing its landscape qualities. The design strategy consists of a new vision plan which
proposes a set of guiding principles for new buildings, water ways, routings, new boarders and road relocation. Furthermore, the design strategy will provide guiding rules based on existing housing typologies as well as introduce spatial elements to improve promote social and economic development within the village