Approximating a full Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function from a slice

Creating a BRDF trough solids of revolution

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Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Functions, BRDFs, describe the reflectance of light on a ma-terial, and are widely used in computer graphics to render materials. Acquiring a full measured BRDF can be costly and time consuming, so this research aims to answer the question ”How can we approx-imate a full BRDF from a single slice (in-plane BRDF)?”. Outlined in this paper is an algorithm that uses solids of revolution to approximate a full BRDF from a single slice. The algorithm finds sub-curves of the slice, creates solids of revolution for each, normalizes the data, and merges the solids while removing overlapping data. The resulting solid, described by a list of points using a Carte-sian coordinate system, represents the full, three-dimensional BRDF.
