A New Role for Adaptive Filters in Marchenko Equation-Based Methods for the Attenuation of Internal Multiples
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We have seen many developments in Marchenko equation-based methods for internal multiple attenuation in the past years. Starting from a wave-equation based method that required a smooth velocity model, there are now Marchenko equation-based methods that do not require any model information or user-input. In principle, these methods accurately predict internal multiples. Therefore, the role of the adaptive filter has changed for these methods. Rather than needing an aggressive adaptive filter to compensate for inaccurate internal multiple predictions, only a conservative adaptive filter is needed to compensate for minor amplitude and/or phase errors in the internal multiple predictions caused by imperfect acquisition and preprocessing of the input data. We demonstate that a conservative adaptive filter can be used to improve the attenuation of internal multiples when applying a Marchenko multiple elimination (MME) method to a 2D line of streamer data. In addition, we suggest that an adaptive filter can be used as a feedback mechanism to improve the preprocessing of the input data.