Minimal Intrusive Multi-parameter Optical Fibre Sensor for Aerospace Structures and Adhesives

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Since the dawn of time, human beings have been always fascinated and envious of the flight of birds and human’s desire to fly has become stronger and stronger over the centuries. What child looking at a bird does not wish that they could take flight to chase it and view the at the landscape from above? The dream to fly is inside the human being since tender age, although the physical possibility does not belong to their nature. Nevertheless, humans have exploited the power of their brain and hands to get closer this dream.

Leonardo Da Vinci (1452-1519)1 was the first one that effectively studied the flight dynamics of the birds, developing several technical drawings and building flying machines between the XV and XVI century. However, for almost 400 years, no tangible developments occurred until the Wright brother’s famous flight (in 1903)2, which is the major milestone of the aeronautical world. From that far away event, enormous technological developments have been made so that a large number of apparatuses able to fly in the atmosphere and travel in Space have been developed.

One of the key technological sectors that has allowed the large growth of the aerospace industry is that of the materials. Specifically, the large use of composites materials and adhesives has allowed the design and building of modern airplanes, spacecraft and devices which are increasingly lighter, faster, stronger and tougher. Nevertheless, at the same time, the increase of aerospace performance by using new materials has raised the necessity to develop a technology which is able to provide information on the health state of the materials that composed the structures. This need is not only linked to the necessity to increase the safety but also to two other factors: to optimize the maintenance schedule of the aircrafts so that to save economical resources, and to increase our knowledge about the mechanical, damage and fracture behavior of the materials.

Although, during the decades, a number of inspection and monitoring technologies have been developed as such as piezoelectric, acoustic and ultrasound sensing, electrical gauges, fibre optic sensors, eddy current, comparative vacuum, interferometry, penetrating liquids, thermography, radiography (x-rays) and others, not one of these has proved to be applicable for the entire life cycle of the material (from the manufacturing, operating phase to the end of life) which provides in real-time enough information to effectively evaluate its health state.
Therefore, the here presented thesis aims to demonstrate the multi-sensing abilities and monitoring benefits of tilted Fibre Bragg gratings sensors (TFBGs) in order to fill a current technological gap in the previous technologies and to improve the state-of-art of the Structural Health Monitoring field. The research focused initially on the fundamentals, mathematical and numerical modelling, methodology and demodulation techniques of the TFBG sensors, successively the treatment is dedicated to the TFBG applications for simultaneous three-parameter monitoring embedded in composite material and silicone adhesive, respectively for aeronautical and space use. This selection of these materials was made from those commonly used in the aerospace industry. The application of TFBGs can be, from the very beginning, have a great impact in the scientific community and, also maybe, in industry.
Therefore, taking into account what was reported previously, the research presented in the following thesis was confronted with the aim to demonstrate that TFBG can be a promising sensor for structural health monitoring of aerospace materials, and are able to provide reliable and simultaneous multi-parameter measurements. The treatment begins with the first introduction chapter where composite materials, silicone adhesive and TFBG sensors are presented fro a historical perspective, and their current state-of-art regarding applications, issues and technological gaps in relation with the working load and environment, are reported. Then, the research questions and reasons that motivated the scientific investigation are introduced in the last part of chapter 1.
The starting point of the research can be considered chapter 2, where, first of all, the realization of a TFBG sensor customized for the desired application is confronted by providing a numerical model to simulate the spectrum based on the values of the parameters of the sensor Bragg structure. This is important to obtain TFBGs with a spectral signal usable for the simultaneous and separated measurements of different parameters before the manufacturing of the same sensor. It can be noted that, the simulation of the TFBG spectrum may bring other several benefits such as production time and costs savings. In fact, the determination, a priori, of the Bragg structure, and hence, the parameters of the TFBG manufacturing setup, allows the TFBG sensor to be obtained with the desired measuring characteristics without the waste of materials, testing and manpower time.
In chapter 3, the demodulation of the TFBG spectrum for refractometric measures was improved by developing a new technique based on the Delaunay triangulation of the datapoints that compose the spectral signal, which was demonstrated to be faster and more accurate than previous techniques. This technique is also compatible with the method to extract the strain-temperature variation from the spectrum, so that the methodology for multi-parameter measurement performed with a single TFBG is completed.
At this point, chapter 4 starts the beginning of the second part of the thesis, where the simultaneous thermomechanical measurements of the TFBG were used to determine the deformation effects of a thermal load profile on a glass-fibre/epoxy composite plate induced by heating lamps. A further step achieved in this chapter, was to compare the TFBG measurements with a classical strain sensing technique based on the use of a TFBG as standard strain gauge thermally compensated by a thermocouple. Furthermore, another comparison was performed between the experimental results and the Finite Element Model (FEM) analysis results obtained by modeling the composite sample with and without the embedded TFBG and applying a Gaussian thermal profile.
These comparisons show that the strains measured with the single TFBG are very close to the values obtained by using the classical approach and the full FEM model. The improvement regarding the single TFBG sensor can be obtained by increasing its thermal resolution which is the weak point of the simultaneous thermomechanical measurements. Nevertheless, it can be further improved by using an interrogation system with a finer wavelength scanning resolution or by designing a TFBG whose resonance peaks move in the spectrum much more with the temperature variation. The comparison of the empirical measured deformations with the strain values extracted by the FEMs analysis have highlighted the importance to model the optical fibre inside the composite to increase the accuracy of the model. In conclusion, the single TFBG sensor was able to monitor the thermomechanical trend inside the composite during the heating lamp exposure with a good accuracy as the values were close to those measured with the classical approach and full FEM simulation.
The conclusions drawn from the first and second part of the thesis are that the investigation on the multi-parameter sensing abilities of the TFBG sensors, also embedded in composite materials for a complete monitoring of their state from their manufacturing to the operating life, has given positive and promising results. Especially regarding the embedding of the sensor, each single TFBG sensor can be used in order to measure simultaneously thermomechanical and refractometric variations of the composite material where the sensor is embedded and in any step of the material life.
The second part of the thesis continues with chapter 5. Here, the TFBG sensors are embedded inside glass-fibre/epoxy resin composite material to monitor simultaneously the strain-temperature variations, the resin refractive index (RI) during the manufacturing process and the application of a thermal load profile. Regarding the TFBG monitoring performed during the composite manufacturing, several samples of different thickness were tested and sensorised. In these samples, the sensors were able to measure, simultaneously, the strain state induced in the material due to the manufacturing steps, the temperature profile, and the resin RI variations due to the crosslinking occurring during the curing. This allowed the evaluation, not only of the possible state of stress in the material during the production, but, even more interesting, the cure degree of the resin. Indeed, as anticipated already in previous research, the resin RI measured with the TFBG can indicate the curing degree matrix of the composites. The TFBGs were able to provide the entire RI profile of the resin during the curing in which three different behavior ranges were identified in combination with the temperature trend. The expected typical plateau was reached in the RI curve when the resin was considered fully cured. Furthermore, the refractometric sensing abilities of the TFBGs were also used to monitor the resin flow and speed during its infusion.
From chapter 6 on, the treatment is focused on the TFBG application study on the space qualified silicone adhesive, which regards the third part of the thesis. Silicones are strategic and widely used materials in many engineering fields, but mainly their use finds great importance in space industries, especially for electronic and structural components. Nevertheless, some parts of the spacecraft where silicone elements and adhesives are used undergo a direct exposure to the space environment, which represents harsh operating conditions and is strongly degrading for any material. In fact, perturbations as severe temperature gradients, ultra-high-vacuum, Ultra-Violet (UV) and ionizing radiations (x-rays, γ-rays, etc…), extreme thermal range and cycles, thermal shock, micro-gravity, atomic oxygen (ATOX), high accelerations, vibrations and space debris are characteristic of the space operating environment. Furthermore, it has to be also considered that these elastomers have to maintain their original mechanical and physical properties during their operational life in space, which is a challenging target. In this context, TFBG sensors embedded inside silicone adhesives, through their simultaneous thermomechanical and refractometric measuring abilities, may offer fundamental information to evaluate the internal mechanical and chemical state of the elastomers during the use in space environment. This would offer the possibility to have a technology able to provide a general view on the degradation state of the adhesive in real-time during the laboratory testing or operational life, which may improve the evaluation of its health and performance trend along the exposure time. Nevertheless, as for the composite, the monitoring technology should be always minimally intrusive, light and not affecting the material performance and properties. Hence, in order to match these requirements, each embedded TFBG sensor has to be able to perform the thermomechanical-refractometric measurements as single sensor without to be affected by the exposure to the space environment. The demonstration of a working TFBG sensor in a simulated space environment may be an interesting and promising starting point for the future development of a sensing technology able to real-time detect degradation and damages in spacecraft structures and components during the space missions.
In chapter 6, since studies in literature about the compatibility of optical fibre sensor layers in vacuum were not found, initially, the waveguide containing the TFBG was subjected to an outgassing test. Once the compatibility was verified, a TFBG was then embedded inside a space qualified silicone used as adhesive to join two micro-sheet cover glasses in order to compose a sandwich. This TFBG sensorised glass sandwich was tested inside a vacuum chamber and exposed to high-vacuum (around 10-6 mbar) and loaded with a thermal cycling profile. Hence, in this first approach, the experiment was planned to simulate the degradation on the silicone adhesive of the TFBG sensorised sample generated by outgassing (due to high-vacuum) and thermal cycling loads, which are perturbations constantly present in space environment.
The measurements of the single multi-parameter TFBG sensor, acquired during the experiment, were compared with the values obtained by using the classical sensing approach consisting in the thermal compensation of the TFBG (used as strain-gauge) through a thermocouple. The comparison highlighted the inaccuracy of the classical sensing method due to the different location of the sensors in the silicone which brings serious mistakes in the measurements. In fact, due to the absence of an atmosphere in the space environment, the transfer of heat inside a body depends only from the thermal conductivity of the material which accentuates the issue of the classical sensing approach linked to the different location of the sensors. While, the self-compensated TFBG can overcome this gap as it is thermally self-compensated. Furthermore, for a complete evaluation of the health state of an organic material such as a silicone adhesive, temperature and deformations may be not sufficient as it is not easy to obtain information on the chemical state of the material, such as the variations of the silicone RI. The embedded TFBG sensor, simultaneously sensitive to temperature and deformations, was able to provide measurements of the silicone RI that was changing due to hardening and chemical evolution induced by the thermal cycles in high vacuum environment. The chemical variations were checked also by testing a sample of pure cured silicone adhesive via the Differential Scanning Calorimetry, which showed chemical variations due to the realising of volatiles during the heating-up and cooling-down phases of the test. These results make the TFBG a promising sensor able to provide a complete evaluation of the silicone state that comprises the thermomechanical and refractometric measurements while working in space environment.
By exploiting the experiences achieved in the previous chapters, chapter 7 treats of the research focused on the detection of the UV effects induced in the silicone adhesive working in space simulated environment. This topic may be interesting for polymers used in a space working environment as long exposure to UV radiation in vacuum can cause severe damages and bring the component to failure together with the structures of a spacecraft. The reason lies in the absorption of these light wavelengths by the silicone, whose organic chemical composition is photochemically susceptible to these light wavelengths. As a consequence, the photochemical reactions cause severe degradation of the material with deterioration of the original properties and efficiency and shorter working life. Then, it is easy to understand that a sensing technology able to monitor the degradation of the silicone working in the previously described conditions, may be really useful to evaluate the state of the material during its use, but also, in the phase of laboratory testing to better detect the material behaviour and its changes. Therefore, several and different TFBG sensorised samples were tested in a high vacuum chamber provided of UV lamps which emitted a high radiation level for a certain exposure time. Hence, the acquired spectra were demodulated and used to measure the thermomechanical and refractometric variations induced by the UV exposure inside the silicone in correlation with the equivalent exposure solar hours. This allowed an analysis of the different degrees of degradation of the silicone based on the sample configuration and exposure time. In conclusion, the achievement of this research was the demonstration of a minimal intrusive sensor as the TFBG is not only compatible with operating in a space environment, but is also able to provide in-situ reliable multi-parameter sensing for the monitoring of the thermomechanical and refractometric state of the material during its operations in space environment.
The conclusions of the thesis are reported in chapter 8 where the outcomes of the conducted researches highlighted the potentiality of the TFBG as a single three-parameter sensor to monitor the state of materials for aerospace industry. As consequence, these results may induce the raising-up of the SHM concept by developing a sensing technology based on the TFBGs that are able to provide an overall view of the material state, from the manufacturing to the operational life, also working in harsh environmental conditions as those in space.