Beach Profile Changes under Sea Level Rise in Laboratory Flume Experiments at Different Scale
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Laboratory wave flume experiments have been used to provide improved
understanding of beach profile evolution under different wave and water
level conditions. However, the understanding of the processes involved
in the evolution of beach profile under Sea Level Rise (SLR) toward
equilibrium is unclear. Two similar, but distorted experiments were
performed at large and medium scale in order to study the qualitative
morphological changes involved in beach profile evolution under SLR.
Both experiments showed similar beach profile evolution. The profile
change predicted by the Profile Translation Model (PTM) and the Bruun
Rule underestimated the observed reatreat in both experiments. The
length of the active beach profile increased under SLR. For the large
scale experiment, the reflection coefficient of the beach decreased
while the vertical runup increased significantly. The beachface changed
faster than the outer surf zone, making the beach more dissipative.