Satellite-based mitigation and adaptation scenarios for sea level rise on lower Niger delta
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Accelerated sea level rise (SLR) is the most important climate change impact for coastal areas. However many coastal deltas lack necessary data for evaluation of the vulnerabilities. The Niger delta is one of the coastal areas with little data for coastal planning and management.
Use of satellite data helps bridge the data gap by providing ancillary data - imagery, elevation, altimetry etc. This thesis therefore uses satellite data as the main sources of data for hydrodynamic modelling and GIS analysis to assess the impact of SLR on the Niger delta land area, coastline, and surface water. The thesis results show that because of high subsidence levels, a rise in sea levels of 0.14m already inundates Niger delta areas. Consequently, 4.6–5.2% (1119.3–1254km2) of the Niger delta land area can be lost to inundation by 2030, and 4.9–6.8% (1175.9–1633km2) by 2050.
From the thesis, major mitigation/adaptation measures that can be used for the Niger delta include:dykes, by–pass channels, storm surge barriers, coastline shortening and legislation to ensure compliance by all. Furthermore, some of the existing sustainable local practices in the Niger delta should be included in SLR mitigation/adaptation planning. Such practices include: planting of Bamboo trees for erosion control, use of sandbags as bridges and dykes (flood control), and use of flood receptor pits as temporary flood water reservoirs.