Evidence-based decision-making on offie accommodation
Accommodation Choice Model
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Based on a literature review, case studies, and personal involvement in accommodation processes, the authors developed an “Accommodation Choice Model” in order to support organization-centered accommodations. The model involves making, coordinating, elaborating, and implementing accommodation choices through a consciously designed process. The model includes four steps that focus on the substantive choices, a “drive belt” for steering the process, a lynchpin for aligning and testing these steps and process related issues, and a playing field in which the process occurs. The assumption is that a structural and coordinated progression through substantive and procedural choices in a number of steps will generate a better accommodation that is appropriate to the organization. In addition, the more explicit approach to making choices will make the process run more smoothly.
This chapter discusses the various components of the Accommodation Choice Model, as well as critical success factors in its application. The model is illustrated with practical applications in the development of new accommodation strategies.