Power Flow Control Converter for Meshed LVDC Distribution Grids

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Inside the meshed LVDC distribution grids the power flow is predominantly limited by the line impedances. In order to achieve economical and flexible operation of the meshed LVDC distribution grids, it is required to control the power flow. For that end, the line impedances need to be adjustable. The line impedance can be controlled by a DC-DC transformer, however, it needs to be rated for the full grid power. In order to reduce the installation costs, a partially rated device is desirable. Therefore, a partially rated power flow control converter (PFCC) is proposed. This paper presents the PFCC performance estimate and demonstrates the PFCC functionality. The PFCC is an economical solution for increasing the controllability of the power flow in the meshed LVDC distribution grids. However, due to high step down ratio inside the PFCC achieving efficient performance is challenging. Furthermore, due to unavoidable MOSFET paralleling the part count rises. The proposed PFCC consists of two cascaded converters, therefore the control range and stability depends, besides else, on the impedance interaction between the two stages.


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