Performance enhancement of differential uwb autocorrelation receivers under isi

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The autocorrelations receiver (AcR) is a suboptimum low-complexity receiver architecture particularly suited to ultra-wideband (UWB) communication systems. As the bit rate increases, interference among pulses due to multipath propagation causes serious impairments of the AcR's performance. To mitigate this effect, we propose an appropiate design of the chip code and of the delayhopping (DH) code. We provide conditions to be satisfied by the DH code in order to reduce the nonlinear intersymbol interferene (ISI) and the bias term, which are peculiar nuisance parameters of autocorrelation receivers. By extending the length of the chip code, we show that Np transmitted pulses per symbol can be employed to suppress the average linear ISI of Np - 1 previous symbols.Simulated results confirm the performance improvement in terms of bit-error rate. However, in previous work it has been shown that the noise power linearly increases with Np. Although a large number of pulses per symbol is favorable for ISI mititgation, we show that the transmission of a single pulse minimizes the probability of error, for bit rates lower than an upper bound depending on the channel root mean-square delay spread and on the noise power.