Comparing the Brushless DFIM to other Generator Systems for Wind Turbine Drive-Trains
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In this paper, the brushless DFIM based wind turbine drive-train topology is compared to the DFIG based and PM generator based drive-train topologies, that are most commonly applied in modern wind turbines. The comparison will be based on a 3:2MW case study wind turbine. By using FE based multi-objective optimization, optimized generator designs for the dierent topologies are generated. Then the capital expenditures of the resulting drive-train topologies are calculated and compared. Additionally, wind turbine drive-train congurations with 1, 2 and 3 stage gearboxes as well as a direct-drive conguration are taken into account. The resulting comparison shows that the brushless DFIM based drive-train with a 2 stage gearbox conguration provides a feasible alternative in commercial wind turbine drive-train applications.