Deformation monitoring in Zafarraya Fault and Sierra Tejeda Antiform (Betic Cordillera, Spain) using satellite radar interferometry
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The Betic-Rif cordilleras are build-up in the western Mediterranean by the deformations related to the Eurasian-African plate boundary. The recent NW-SE convergence produces the simultaneous development of large folds and faults in the central part of the Internal Zones of the Betic Cordilleras, which continues active up to Present. The uplift of the mountain ranges is mainly related to the development of folds in this regional compressive setting. Sierra Tejeda constitutes a relief related to the development of a complex shaped recent antiform that is located near the coast line. At the northern limb of Sierra Tejeda is located the Zafarraya fault, a high-angle northwards dipping normal fault. Understanding the tectonic of the Zafarraya fault is crucial since one of the most destructive earthquakes (25th December 1884) on the Iberian Peninsula occurred along this fault (magnitude of 6.7). This paper investigates the applicability of satellite radar interferometry using ERS-1/2 SAR and Envisat ASAR datasets to help to constraint the geological hazard in this part of the
Betic Cordillera.