Citizen science in water quality monitoring
Mobile crowd sensing for water management in the Netherlands
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Barriers between experts and lay people are fading. Budget cuts and the demand for societal relevance of research induce the involvement of citizens. At the same time small, cheap sensors are widely available in mobile phones. This provides opportunities for mobile crowd sensing in water management. The fresh water demand is increasing, while several factors threaten the quantity and quality of the supply. Citizen science may enhance science by data collection, analysis or interpretation and could serve as education mean. A common challenge is ensuring sufficient quality of data. In this study the potential of citizen science in mobile crowd sensing in water quality monitoring was explored, by using a mobile crowd sensing application for water quality measurements. This consists of a colorimetric analysis using smartphone cameras and citizens to collect the data. Purposes of citizen science, target audiences, possible substances, opportunities, challenges and key success factors were identified based on nine interviews with representatives of Dutch water boards, nature managers and citizen associations. The results were compared to literature findings.