From space to place, shaping experts into expert-teams

Improving the quality of collaboration of cross-sectional project teams during urban regeneration projects in the Netherlands

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Rising city-life growth has resulted in a world population where the majority of
people live in cities. However, cities are not yet prepared and designed for this
increase and are confronted with a need for urban regeneration. The landscape
of urban regeneration is next to social, political and economic sustainability,
challenged by implementing a comprehensive vision and long-term growth.
Thereby, various methods are implemented to involve relevant stakeholders
early in urban regeneration projects, focusing on a highly collaborative
approach to establishing an integral vision. A robust relationship between
the involved stakeholders is desirable to cope with unexpected circumstances
along the process and deal with these projects’ complex and uncertain nature.
Collaboration factors within the informal domain that enhance the quality of
collaboration can be distinguished from literature. This research aims to create
awareness amongst the project team to engage with this soft side of collaboration
actively. Therefore, the Design Science Research approach is applied. A multiple case
study conducting semi-structured interviews resulted in practical (inter)
actions to be executed during urban regeneration processes. These findings are
translated into a roadmap for (inter)actions, which presents the (inter)actions to
be performed along the process of urban regeneration by the project team.


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