Roll Damping Prediction Method

To determine linear and non-linear roll damping coefficients based on multiple 2D CFD simulations

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Accurately predicting the ship motions, is essential knowledge when operating in water. To predict the ship motions, multiple ship characteristics have to be known. For the roll motion, one of these characteristics is the roll damping coefficient. Nowadays the industry standard to determine the roll damping coefficient of a ship is by performing model tests or using empirical formulas created in the late ’70s. In recent years computational power has increased significantly. This increasemakes it possible to start using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) for practical purposes instead of solely scientific research. The roll damping coefficient is a very interesting parameter to examine with viscous flow solvers as the roll motion is heavily influenced by the viscosity of the water. Multiple studies have been performed with 3D and 2D CFD simulations. By simplifying the simulation to 2D, calculation time is reduced drastically. This simplification is performed by only simulating one cross-section of the midship. Only simulating one cross-section causes a loss of accuracy in how well the roll damping coefficients can be determined as the damping effects of the bow and stern are not taken into account, or are roughly estimated. During this research, a method to accurately determine the roll damping coefficients of a ship, while maintaining low computation time, is investigated. This method is based on performing multiple 2D CFD simulations of different cross-sections and combining the results to capture the behaviour of the entire ship. With this approach, the high accuracy of 3D simulations and the low computation time of 2D simulations are combined. The accuracy of this 2D section method is determined by comparing the results with experimental data. The experimental data is obtained through free roll decay tests of a ship from Van Oord on model scale. A 3D CFD model, which simulates a free roll decay test, is created using OpenFOAM. The results of this simulation are compared to the experimental data to determine how well a 3D simulation can predict the roll damping coefficients. Next, a 2D CFD model is created using OpenFOAM which is validated using experimental data of a structure which has a uniform cross-section along the entire length. Lastly, the validated 2D CFD model is used for the 2D section method. Multiple cross-sections of the same ship from which the experimental data is obtained and with which the 3D CFD simulation is performed, are simulated. The results of the 2D section method are compared to the experimental results in order to determine how well this method can determine the roll damping coefficient of a ship. The simulation of the 3D free roll decay test underestimated the linear damping. The non-linear damping was within the margins of the experimental data. The 2D forced oscillation simulations showed an excellent agreement in linear and non-linear damping with both the experimental data as with a comparable CFD simulation. The 2D section method slightly overestimates both the linear and non-linear damping of an entire ship but overall this method shows promising results. However, more research should be done to optimise the method further.
