Revealing the band structure of InSb nanowires by high-field magnetotransport in the quasiballistic regime

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The charge transport properties of individual InSb nanowires based transistors are studied at 4.2 K in the quasiballistic regime. The energy level separations at zero magnetic field are extracted from a bias voltage spectroscopy. The magnetoconductance under a magnetic field applied perpendicularly to the nanowire axis is investigated up to 50 T. Owing to the magnetic reduction of the backscattering, the electronic states of the quasi-one-dimensional electron gas are revealed by Landauer-Büttiker conductance quantization. The results are compared to theoretical predictions revealing the spin and orbital degeneracy lifting. At sufficiently high magnetic field the measurements show the evolution to the quantum Hall effect regime with the formation of Landau orbits and conducting edge states.