UniCon: A Scalable and Universal Architecture for Content Management
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Creating content in the digital era has never beenso easy. However, there exists no framework inwhich artists can share, cooperate and transferuniversal content. We refer to the termuniversalas that allowing our architecture to manage contentboth from the physical and digital world. Currentplatforms are either centralized and sector-specificsuch as Netflix and Spotify, or decentralized.On the one hand, the centralized platforms havecontrol over both the data and the identity of theirusers. On the other hand, decentralized platformslack scalability and an identity layer. Our architec-ture expands current decentralized solutions witha more scalable and generic framework. This so-lution allows users, and their verified identities, topossess control over their data; share and exchangecontent, both from the physical and digital world;and get attribution and royalties for their work inany digital coin.