Calibration of a Single element ultrasound transducer using an aberration mask

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Previous work [1] has demonstrated the possibility of high resolution imaging through the use of a single element and a aberration mask. This thesis will expand on the previous work by examining the proposed method for errors in the creation of the model. The analysis is preformed by examining the various aspects of the measurements setup and underlying theoretical model, after which measurements are performed to determine their contribution and correctness with regard to the model. Results demonstrated a systematic error of a non-linear frequency scaling and semi-linear phase shift. The origin of the error lies in the unwanted addition of transfer functions of some of the components. A Tikhonov regularized least squares method is proposed to estimate this transfer function and supply compensation based on all the measurements. The results of application of this method on the uncalibrated model are demonstrated through 1D imaging experiments. The result of which show a signicant improvement over the previous uncalibrated results. After which the possibility of calibration due to a singular measurement is explored and a adaptation of the Tikhonov regularized least squares method is proposed for close approximation of the previously found transfer function. Further to obtain an indication of possible remaining hurdles and successes with this method, extensive simulations are preformed to examine the individual impact of various sources of noise and interference.
