Pieter Kruizinga

4 records found

Dynamic susceptibility contrast (DSC) MRI is commonly part of brain tumor imaging. For quantitative analysis, measurement of the arterial input function and tissue concentration time curve is required. Usually, a linear relationship between the MR signal changes and contrast agen ...

Functional Ultrasound (fUS) During Awake Brain Surgery

The Clinical Potential of Intra-Operative Functional and Vascular Brain Mapping

Background and Purpose: Oncological neurosurgery relies heavily on making continuous, intra-operative tumor-brain delineations based on image-guidance. Limitations of currently available imaging techniques call for the development of real-time image-guided resection tools, which ...
Recent advances in ultrasound Doppler imaging have facilitated the technique of functional ultrasound (fUS) which enables visualization of brain-activity due to neurovascular coupling. As of yet, this technique has been applied to rodents as well as to human subjects during awake ...