Precise GPS Positioning by Applying Ionospheric Corrections from an Active Control Network

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In this article, initial results are presented of a method to improve fast carrier phase ambiguity resolution over longer baselines (with lengths up to about 200 km). The ionospheric delays in the global positioning system (GPS) data of these long baselines mainly hamper successful integer ambiguity resolution, a prerequisite to obtain precise positions within very short observation time spans. A way to correct the data for significant ionospheric effects is to have a GPS user operate within an active or permanently operating network use ionospheric estimates from this network. A simple way to do so is to interpolate these ionospheric estimates based on the expected spatial behaviour of the ionospheric delays. In this article such a technique is demonstrated for the Dutch Active Control Network (AGRS.NL). One hour of data is used from 4 of the 5 reference stations to obtain very precise ionospheric corrections after fixing of the integer ambiguities within this network. This is no problem because of the relatively long observation time span and known positions of the stations of the AGRS.NL. Next these interpolated corrections are used to correct the GPS data from the fifth station for its ionospheric effects. Initial conclusions about the performance of this technique are drawn in terms of improvement of integer ambiguity resolution for this baseline.