Cyber Threat Intelligence
Analysis of adversaries and their methods
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The growing dependency on interconnected devices makes cyber crime increasingly lucrative. Together with the rise of premade tools to perform exploits, the number of cyber incidents grows rapidly each year. Defending against these threats becomes increasingly difficult as organizations depend heavily on the Internet and have many different connected devices, all with their own protocols and vulnerabilities. The rise in cyber crime and plethora of devices make it difficult for organizations to detect and mitigate all attacks targeting their business.
Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) provides defenders with information about cyber threats and thus the ability to scope the defensive efforts towards the areaswith the highest risk of damages. This information comes in different forms, from lists if indicators that are direcly ingestible into the defensive infrastructure of a company to documents describing the Tactics, Techniques and Procedures (TTPs) of adversaries.
A major challenge in CTI is identifying indicators that describe more abstract features of adversaries, such as the tools that are used, to automatically detect mitigation attempts in defensive infrastructure. Furthermore, the identification of adversarial campaigns remains challenging, but the analysis on the campaigns that are identified proves to provide valuable information about actor capabilities and the threat landscape.
In this thesis, we focus on improving CTI by getting a better understanding of adversarial behavior and evolution. We first create metrics to measure the quality of CTI feeds and address some measurement bias in network-based measurements. To obtain better understanding of adversaries we focus on tool fingerprinting, adversarial evolution and campaign analysis.
We find a surprising lack of sophistication and evolution of adversaries. But we also find that the quality of CTI feeds is poor with on average a response time of 21 days before an indicator is added to a feed after it is active. We show that by fingerprinting adversarial tools and performing campaign analysis on individual attacks, we can learn the sophistication of adversaries and obtain a better understanding of the threat landscape. In addition, following attacker campaigns over time allows us to better understand the evolution of actors and their objectives. To allow for this campaign analysis in DDoS attacks, we introduce a new model to describe attacks and cluster these on behavior. Finally, we utilize adversarial TTPs to devise a method to disrupt malware propagation and evaluate this method on a real-world botnet.