Soil variability from high-resolution S-wave full-waveform inversion
Deriving reliable cone-tip resistance from Vs for geotechnical evaluations
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Capturing the spatial variability in soil is crucial for ground response analyses in the context of seismic hazard mitigation. The lateral variability in thickness and properties of the different soil layers is one of the main factors that determines the variability of the ground motion spectrum from one location to another. The absence of such lateral variability information in the subsoil in between the locations of Cone Penetration Tests (CPTs) may be compensated by the use of more densely sampled seismic data. In this research we aim to derive a shear-wave velocity field through seismic full-waveform inversion that yields a model resolution approaching that of high-resolution seismic CPT surveys. Following this, a datadriven correlation between geophysical and geotechnical information is attempted through the application of new machine-learning-based approaches.