Development of a highly efficient micro-scale CHP system based on fuel-flexible gasification and a SOFC
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During recent years comprehensive work has been done on the development of small-scale solid biomass based combined heat and power generation technologies but still only few systems are available, their efficiencies are rather moderate, their fuel flexibility is restricted and their market penetration is poor. Against this background, the on-going Horizon 2020 project FlexiFuel-SOFC aims at the development of a new, highly efficient and fuel-flexible micro-scale biomass CHP technology for a capacity range of 25 to 150 kW (fuel power). The technology consists of an updraft gasifier, a gas cleaning system and a solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC). The new technology is developed with a main focus on (i) the further development of a small-scale fixed-bed updraft gasifier technology towards higher fuel flexibility and integration into the SOFC based CHP system, (ii) the development of a novel and compact gas cleaning unit and (iii) the further development of a SOFC system (stack efficiency of ~40 % with product gas from the updraft gasifier). A first testing plant has been designed, constructed and is presently taken into operation.
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