Using Innovation Stories From Digital Platforms to Explore What Motivates Innovation
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The objective of this research study was to investigate the role of narratives in shaping multiple innovations in the UK construction industry. A total of 133 innovation stories published in a year are compiled from a digital portal Infrastructure Industry Innovation Partnership (i3P). The stories are qualitatively analyzed using open coding, axial coding, and constant comparisons to understand their motivations. The resulting framework explains how narrative shapes innovation across health, safety, sustainability, and productivity. The use of online research methods has increased in the modern era with the internet becoming more interactive and ubiquitous. However, there is still limited knowledge on how to handle these large amounts of digital data. In this case study, we provide some practical steps to improve data collection, analysis and presentation of online data. All innovations for a year were collected to get a representative sample without excluding any to reduce the researcher bias of exclusion. During presentation of findings, steps were undertaken to guard the privacy of respondents.
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