Channel bed incision in engineered rivers

Characteristics and mitigation

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Engineered rivers are often prone to channel bed incision. This decreases the channel-floodplain connection, hampers navigation where nonerodible reaches increasingly protrude from the bed, and can destabilize structures. Here we inventorize causes and characteristics of channel incision measures. We elaborate on how channel bed incision is a transient channel response toward a new equilibrium channel state. Causes of incision comprise base level fall, channel narrowing (e.g., due to river training), channel shortening (bend cut-offs), an increased channel-forming discharge (e.g. due to climate change), and a decrease (or fining or coarsening) of the sediment flux from the upstream part of the basin. Finally, we discuss two measures that may mitigate channel bed incision: sediment nourishments and longitudinal training walls.