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Abstract’um N.L. neut. n. natron, soda; from Arabic n. natrun, soda, sodium carbonate; Gr. pref. an-, not (here: inseparable prefix); Gr. masc. n. aêr air; Gr. masc. adj. archaîos, ancient; N.L. neut. n. Natranaeroarchaeum, anaerobic natronophilic
archaeon. The genus Natranaeroarchaeum is classified as a member of the family Natronoarchaeaceae, order Halobacteriales, and class Halobacteria, according to phylogenomic analyses. It includes extremely halophilic and facultatively aerobic, obligately alkaliphilic, and saccharolytic archaea, capable of anaerobic sulfur respiration with sugars and starch as carbon and energy sources. The genus currently includes two species, the type species Natranaeroarchaeum sulfidigenes and Natranaeroarchaeum aerophilum, originating from hypersaline soda lakes. The DNA G+C content is 60.8–61.0 (whole-genome sequences). The genus three-letter abbreviation is Naa.
DNA G +C content (%): 60.8–61.0 (whole-genome sequences of type strains).
Type species: Natranaeroarchaeum sulfidigenes Sorokin et al. 2022a, VL211.


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