The effect of seasonal temperature variations on the quay walls in the Port of Rotterdam
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Quay walls are often designed with Finite Element models (FE models) to take into account the complex soil-structure interaction and highly non-linear soil behavior. However, the effect of temperature variations is uncertain if it is taken into account in the design of the quay walls at the Port of Rotterdam.
Nowadays, new quay walls are often equipped with sensors that collect information about their behavior. These quay walls are known as smart quay walls. The measurement data of smart quay walls could be used to validate FE models and reduce parameter uncertainties. This could lead to an optimization of the functionality of the quay walls.
Smart quay walls have been observed to show much higher strain levels in the anchors during summer compared to the winter period. According to strain records, differences of up to 10% and 20% seem to be present, which is quite high. The objective of this thesis is to verify the effect of temperature on anchor force in quay walls using the data of smart quay walls.
The data analysis that took place analyzed data from five different quay walls (HHTT, SIF, EMO, Brammen terminal, Brittanniëhaven). Deformations, strains, anchor forces, groundwater levels and temperatures are some of the measurements that were investigated in order to understand the quay wall reaction to the seasonal temperature fluctuation effect. The most useful measurement data proved to be the deformations of the combi walls and the anchor forces in the MV-piles.
This research will eventually highlight the results of the extensive data analysis from different smart quay walls, while it will further prove that quay walls are affected by the effect of seasonal temperature fluctuation. The gain is that with the available data, it is verified that the wall is moving back and forth depending on the season. However, the deformations are minor compared to the deformations of the dredging period.
After data analysis, a FE model was set up to predict the deformations and anchor forces of the quay wall during seasonal temperature fluctuations. For the parameter determination, CPTs, later research projects, design records and triaxial tests were used. Regarding the FE model, the case that was used is the HES Hartel Tank Terminal (HHTT-quay), which is a smart quay wall in the port of Rotterdam. HHTT quay wall was selected as the most well monitored quay wall regarding the needs of this research. Moreover, the HHTT-quay consists of sections with and without a relieving platform. Both types were considered in this thesis.
Then comes the validation of the FE model with the measurement data. Moreover, having a FE model in PLAXIS 2D which can realistically model the cycle heating effects, could be used both to estimate deformations due to climate change effect, as well as the anchor forces leading to better quay wall design for the future.
As with all of the cycle effects, heating and cooling of the quay wall could cause deformations that after many years of operation of a quay wall could lead to excessive deformations. Additionally, increasing temperature will cause higher temperature fluctuations, which means larger cycles. Therefore, further research with more cycles, better quality data and a FEM that could calculate the cycle heating effects is crucial to a better understanding of the cycle phenomenon.