Integration of Geographic Information System frameworks into domain discretisation and meshing processes for geophysical models

enabled by unstructured mesh approaches

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Computational simulations of physical phenomena rely on an accurate discretisation of model domains. Numerical models have increased in sophistication to a level where it is possible to support terrain-following boundaries that conform accurately to real physical interfaces, and resolve a multi-scale of spatial resolutions. Whilst simulation codes are maturing in this area, pre-processing tools have not developed significantly enough to competently initialise these problems in a rigorous, efficient and recomputable manner. In the relatively disjoint field of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) however, techniques and tools for mapping and analysis of geographical data have matured significantly. In order to ensure model simulations are reproducible and the provenance of the data required is recorded, the manipulation and agglomeration of initialisation data needs to be standardised and automated. With the typical constraints on simulation domains for geophysical models consisting of bounding paths and surface scalar fields in a two dimensional plane, GIS frameworks potentially offer exactly what is required to formalise this processing. A new approach to the discretisation of geophysical domains is presented (Candy et al. [1], and [2] — [3]), and introduced with verified implementations. A complex domain example with a multi scale discretisation will be presented with scales ranging from 2000 km down to 5m details of the manmade structures of Portland harbour (Figure 1) and lagoon flats behind Chesil beach on the south coast (Figure 2). This brings together the fields of geospatial analysis, meshing and numerical simulation models. This platform enables us to combine and built up features, quickly drafting and updating mesh descriptions with the rigour that established GIS tools provide. This, combined with the systematic workflow, supports a strong provenance for model initialisation and encourages the convergence of standards.