Problem Sustaining Interaction Patterns In Adolescence
Design To Support Healthy Mental Development of Adolescents From A Holistic Perspective
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This graduation project explores how the concept of problem sustaining interaction (PSI) patterns in mental development in adolescence can be used for design. In contrast to the currently used Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), which describes psychiatric disorders from only a psychological perspective, the concept of PSI-patterns describes mental health problems as interaction problems. This new holistic approach incorporates interactions within the individual, but also those between people and their environment. To concretise the concept of PSI-patterns, I used the knowledge of system theory. From the research is concluded that factors on multiple levels influence each other; from biological to cultural. The factors in a system form loops that together reach an equilibrium. PSI-patterns consist of smaller, reinforcing feedback loops of which multiple together cause a system to move towards a problematic state. Changing a system requires effort and outside support. By making the patterns insightful, it becomes clear what strategies can be used to create positive change. The physical, social and psychological changes during adolescence make them particularly vulnerable to develop mental problems. There is a taboo around talking about mental health and society turns a blind eye. This causes adolescents when they struggle mentally to feel abnormal and alone, to lack knowledge and understanding to talk about their struggles and to feel not taken seriously when told that troubles are ‘just part of life’. To support adolescents in their mental development I introduce the design concept “The Bumpy Road”. The Bumpy Road supports adolescents to learn to understand their feelings by recognizing them in others. It is a platform with a variety of podcasts in which adolescents share personal and authentic stories about times in adolescence where they struggled. The problematic patterns of the storyteller are unravelled and explained to listeners in conversation with a pattern expert. The patterns that are discussed in the podcast are linked to other stories on the platform that include their version of the pattern. By making patterns insightful, listeners understand why problems keep occurring and get direction on how to navigate towards a more sustainable situation. The Bumpy Road teaches listeners the language to talk about struggles, normalizes them and provides advice on how to help themselves or support others. This project brings PSI-patterns from a conceptual level towards a concrete and validated design service, and thereby proves that PSI-patterns are a suitable framework for design.