Multi-objective scintillator shape optimization for increased photodetector light collection

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Inorganic scintillators often use exotic, expensive materials to increase their light yield. Although material chemistry is a valid way to increase the light collection, these methods are expensive and limited to the material properties. As such, alternative methods such as the use of specific reflective coatings and crystal optical shapes are critical for the scintillator crystal design procedure. In this paper, we explore the modeling of a scintillator and silicon-photomultiplier (SiPM) assembly detector using GEANT4. GEANT4, an open-source software for particle–matter interaction based on ray-tracing, allows the modeling of a scintillator-based detector while offering methods to simplify and study the computational requirements for a precise calculation of the light collection. These studies incorporate two different geometries compatible with the barrel timing layer (BTL) particle detector that is being built for the compact muon solenoid (CME) experiment at CERN. Furthermore, the geometry of our model is parameterized using splines for smoother results and meshed using GMSH to perform genetic numerical optimization of the crystal shape through genetic algorithms, in particular non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II (NGSAII). Using NSGA-II, we provide a series of optimized scintillator geometries and study the trade-offs of multiple possible objective functions including the light output, light collection, light collection per energy deposited, and track path length. The converged Pareto results according to the hypervolume indicator are compared to the original simplified design, and a recommendation towards the use of the light collection per energy deposition and track path length is given based on the results. The results provide increases in this objective of up to 18% for a constant volume for a geometry compatible with the current design of the BTL detector.


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