Multi-Agent Pathfinding with Matching using Enhanced Partial Expansion A*

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For the Multi-Agent Pathfinding (MAPF) problem, a set of non-colliding paths must be found for multiple agents. In Multi-Agent Pathfinding with Matching (MAPFM), this problem is extended: agents and goals are added to a team and each agent has to navigate to a goal that belongs to the same team. In this paper, two extensions of the EPEA* MAPF solver will be discussed that enable it to solve MAPFM problems. The first extension modifies the EPEA* algorithm to directly allow it to solve MAPFM problem instances. The second extension generates all possible goal assignments for each agent and runs EPEA* on these assignments. This last extension is shown to have a superior performance in most cases. The second extension is also compared to extensions of other MAPF algorithms.