Hydro-elastic analysis of flexible marine propellers
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Higher efficiencies, higher cavitation inception speeds and reduced acoustic signature are claimed benefits of flexible composite propellers. Analysing the hydrodynamic performance of these flexible propellers, implies that a coupled fluid-structure interaction (FSI) computation has to be performed. An FSI coupling can be monolithic, which means the equations for the fluid and structural sub-problem are merged into one set of equations and solved simultaneously. Another approach is to apply a partitioned coupling, in which the existing fluid and structural sub-problem are sequentially solved. Then, coupling iterations are performed to converge to the monolithic solution. When coupling iterations are omitted, the approach becomes a so-called loose coupling. Due to the relatively high fluid added mass, flexible propeller computations require a strong coupling including coupling iterations. Coupling iterations make these kind of computations CPU intensive and therefore it is of importance to solve the structural and fluid problem efficiently.