31.3 A 0.14mm216MHz CMOS RC Frequency Reference with a 1-Point Trimmed Inaccuracy of ±400ppm from -45°C to 85°C

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Recently, rapid strides have been made in improving the accuracy of RC-based frequency references [1 -3]. Inaccuracies better than \pm 500ppm from -45^{\circ}C to 85^{\circ}C have been achieved, but typically at the expense of a costly and time-consuming 2-point trim to compensate for RC spread and temperature dependence. This paper describes a 16MHz RC-based frequency reference that achieves \pm 400ppm inaccuracy over the industrial temperature range with a single room-temperature (RT) trim. The prototype draws 88\muA from a1.8V supply and occupies 0.14mm^{2}, which represents a 2\times improvement in both power and area compared to the state of the art [2].


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