Growing Light
Designing with Bioluminescent Algae
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Within this graduation project, the qualities and potential of bioluminescent micro-algae will be explored with the use of the Material Driven Design Method, as described by Karana et al.(2015). This project aims to provide designers first insights in the behaviour of the bioluminescent algae by looking at the relation between movement and light. The first step will be to understand the different factors that influence the growth of the organisms, in order to be able to create a sustainable living environment that allows us to effectively maintain and grow the organisms. Afterwards, reflecting upon the growing process and creating general guidelines for effectively growing material. Next, the response of the material in regards to different types of stimuli was explored and three types of agitation forms (rotation, pulse and vibration) were evaluated; providing first insights in how the type of stimuli affects the characteristics of the light, with a focus on changes in total light output over time, differences in experiential qualities and boundaries of the material. Based upon the questions that resulted from the exploration phase, a research structure was defined. Within the research, key insight in the flash characteristics and overall behaviour of the light, with regards the temporal form, textural qualities and spatial distribution of the light, will be analysed; taking the first steps in describing the complex relation between movement and experiential qualities of the light. In the end, providing an overview of factors that can be adjusted to alter the flash characteristics and general behaviour of the light. The project is concluded with the design of a research object, in the form of a small scale interactive exhibition; displaying the findings of the research phase and sparking the interest of other designers; stimulating further research and promoting the use of bioluminescent materials.