Enhanced HR-CLEAN-SC for resolving multiple closely spaced sound sources

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The recently introduced high-resolution (HR)-CLEAN-SC algorithm for acoustic imaging provides ‘super-resolution’, i.e. the ability to discern sound sources located closer than the Rayleigh resolution limit. This is achieved by allowing the source markers to be relocated from the actual source locations within a certain constraint to avoid the combined influence of the other sound sources. The freedom to relocate the source markers to increase the performance of the algorithm depends on the maximum sidelobe level of the acoustic array used. This paper presents an ‘enhanced’ version of the HR-CLEAN-SC algorithm which benefits from low maximum sidelobe level array design. The source marker constraint μ is adapted to the maximum sidelobe level at each frequency. Application to up to four synthetic sound sources shows that the sources can be resolved at half the frequency associated with the Rayleigh resolution limit, when an acoustic array optimized for low maximum sidelobe level is used in combination with Enhanced HR-CLEAN-SC. This improves source discrimination compared to when the HR-CLEAN-SC algorithm is used with a benchmark acoustic array design. The results are confirmed by experimental validation in which up to four loudspeakers and the same array configurations as in the synthesized data case are used.