Spatializing household energy consumption in the Netherlands

Socioeconomic, urban morphology, microclimate, land surface temperature and vegetation data

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Household energy consumption (HEC) is affected by a variety of determinants. In addition to the level of HEC in 2612 residential zones in the Netherlands (the so-called wijk) in 2014, this dataset provides a geographically-referenced data of 11 determinants of HEC on: (1) socioeconomic characteristics - namely income per capita, household size, population density; (2) urban morphology –namely buildings' surface to volume ratio, building age; (3) microclimate factors –namely number of summer days, number of frost days, humidity, wind speed at 10 m height; (4) land surface temperature; (5) normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI). The dataset is initially prepared for an analysis titled as “Land surface temperature and households' energy consumption: who is affected and where?” [1].