Shear strength of sand mixed with Al-OM flocs: an experimental study
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The integration of biological and (bio-)geochemical processes in soils is posed to become the next transformative practice in geotechnical engineering. Soil Sealing by Enhanced Aluminium and dissolved organic matter Leaching, also known as SoSEAL, is inspired by a natural soil formation process, called Podzolization. This process results in the formation of a nearly impermeable spodic B-horizon. A similar low-permeable layer is made by SoSEAL. The products of the chemical reaction between aluminium and organic matter generates organic precipitation, clogging the pore throats between sand grains. Past research on SoSEAL has primarily centered on its application as a low-permeable water retaining barrier used for dyke improvement. However, the broader impact of SoSEAL on the mechanical properties of soils beyond permeability remains largely unexplored.
Despite progress, gaps persist in understanding SoSEAL’s influence on sand’s mechanical properties, particularly on the shear strength. The primary objective in this research was to investigate the impact of different concentrations of Al-OM (Aluminum and Organic Matter) flocs on sand’s mechanical characteristics through ex-situ mixing. This included the development of a testing procedure using a triaxial test apparatus, incorporating results from permeability tests and utilizing microscopy to analyze micro structural changes and the underlying mechanisms. The study aimed to deliver valuable insights into SoSEAL’s potential as a nature-inspired geo-engineering solution for soil improvement.
Undrained triaxial tests were conducted on ex-situ mixed sand with different concentrations of Al-OM flocs, namely 0, 0.1, 0.5 and 1%. These concentrations were defined as dry mass of flocs based on a metal/carbon ratio of 0.06. Through a carefully executed test procedure, involving Proctor’s test, permeability measurements and triaxial testing, the mechanical properties of the treated sand were investigated. Proctor’s tests were utilized to determine the maximum dry density and its corresponding moisture content of the (un)treated sand. These parameters were used for molding the sand samples for the triaxial test series. The untreated sand did not show a clear peak in its Proctor curve, which is typical for uniform graded fine/medium sands. The porosities, derived from the optimum dry density and corresponding water content, were found to be ≈ 0.4 (-) for all samples. Indicating the minor impact of the Al-OM flocs to the porosity of the sand samples.
The undrained consolidated triaxial test procedure, consisting of saturation, consolidation, and shearing, provided insights into the mechanical properties of SoSEAL. Although the consolidation phase did not reveal significant differences
in the presence of Al-OM flocs, elastic parameters, derived from the shearing phase, generally increased with higher Al-OM floc concentrations in sand. Young’s Modulus, E , increased by a magnitude between 2.11-2.62 times the untreated sand, while the shear Modulus, G, increased by a magnitude between 2.09-2.18. Nonetheless, exceptions such as test CU05-1 and CU10-2 were observed. Strength parameters, measured by maximum deviatoric stress at failure, exhibited an overall increase with higher floc concentrations. Finally, the results show that an alteration in floc concentration in sand did not have a significant impact on its permeability, contrary to previous measurements obtained in the absence of confinement.
The results from the Proctor’s test, permeability measurements and the triaxial tests highlighted differences and improved general knowledge of the impact of Al-OM flocs to the mechanical properties of sand. Variations in test results, seen
when comparing test CU05-1 to CU05-2 and test CU10-1 to CU10-2, underscored the complexity of factors such as compaction challenges and localized failures. From microscale examination using scanning electron miscroscopy (SEM), the increase in strength properties can be attributed to the cohesion between sand grains, evident in the formation of grain clusters. As the concentration of Al-OM flocs in sands increased, so did the quantity of grain clusters. The potential of Al-OM flocs in sand for dyke improvement is found in the observed increase in elastic and strength properties, providing enhanced resistance against erosion.