Accurate Modeling of Near-Wellbore Effects Induced by Supercritical CO2 Injection

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During injection of supercritical CO2 into saline aquifers or depleted gas reservoirs, the complex interaction of CO2 and impurities with reservoir fluids plays a very important role and can significantly alternate the injectivity. Brine evaporation into the CO2-rich phase can lead to salt precipitation which will reduce the effective permeability of the porous rock. A tangible cooling of the near-wellbore region due to the Joule-Thomson effect can lead to hydrate formation which will reduce injectivity even more. Complex phase behavior of supercritical CO2 with brine and hydrocarbon components in highly heterogeneous porous media accompanied by all these phenomena will strongly affect pressure distribution which is in turn related to mechanical risks.

In this work, we present a unified simulation framework for modelling near-wellbore effects induced by supercritical CO2 injection developed in the Delft Advanced Research Terra Simulator (DARTS) platform. This framework uses the Operator-Based Linearization (OBL) technique for incorporating all complex physical phenomena in a fully coupled fully implicit manner. A general multicomponent multiphase flash based on a combination of classic cubic equations of state (e.g., Peng-Robinson) for hydrocarbon/CO2-rich phases and an activity model for the aqueous phase is implemented. Hydrate phase behavior is modelled using a modified Van der Waals-Platteeuw hydrate equation of state. Formation dry-out and salt precipitation are incorporated by using the Element Balance approach coupled with thermodynamics. Thermophysical property correlations relevant to the thermodynamic conditions of interest are implemented and validated against lab experiments.

We demonstrate that all important physical phenomena, such as the Joule-Thomson effect, hydrate formation and salt precipitation can be effectively captured by the OBL approach. We use several existing numerical benchmarks to validate the accuracy of the developed framework in the dynamic representation of all these effects. The interplay between these complex phenomena and reservoir heterogeneity is demonstrated in an unstructured heterogeneous near-wellbore reservoir model.


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- Embargo expired in 01-07-2023
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