Thermodynamic study of Cs3Na(MoO4)2

Determination of the standard enthalpy of formation and standard entropy at 298.15 K

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The enthalpy of formation at 298.15 K and low temperature heat capacity of Cs3Na(MoO4)2 have been measured for the first time in this work using solution calorimetry and thermal-relaxation calorimetry in the temperature range T = (1.9–299.6) K, respectively. The solution calorimetry measurements, performed in 2 M HNO3 solution, have yielded an enthalpy equal to ΔrHmΔrHm(298.15 K) = (6.79 ±± 1.72)  kJ··mol−1 for the reaction:
Combining with the enthalpies of formation of Cs2MoO4(cr) and Na2MoO4(cr), also determined in this work in 0.1 M CsOH and 0.1 M NaOH solutions, respectively, the standard enthalpy of formation of Cs3Na(MoO4)2 at 298.15 K has been determined as View the MathML sourceΔfHmo(Cs3Na(MoO4)2, cr, 298.15 K) = −(2998.5 ±± 3.0) kJ··mol−1. The heat capacity and entropy values of Cs3Na(MoO4)2 at 298.15 K have been derived as View the MathML sourceCp,mo(Cs3Na(MoO4)2,cr,298.15K)=(296.3±3.3) J··K−1··mol−1 and View the MathML sourceSmo(Cs3Na(MoO4)2,cr,298.15K) (467.2±6.8) J··K−1··mol−1. Combining the newly determined thermodynamic functions, the Gibbs energy of formation of Cs3Na(MoO4)2 at 298.15 K has been derived as View the MathML sourceΔfGmo(Cs3Na(MoO4)2,cr,298.15K)=-(2784.6±3.4) kJ··mol−1. Finally, the enthalpies, entropies and Gibbs energies of formation of Cs3Na(MoO4)2 from its constituting binary and ternary oxides have been calculated.