A Study on the Impact of Window Partition Walls on the Spread of Fire on Building Facades
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This paper investigates the impact of window partition walls on the spread of fire on building facades under the impact of environmental wind through Fire Dynamics Simulator simulation experiments. A four-story building model was constructed using a Fire Dynamics Simulator incorporating six different wind speed conditions and six different partition wall widths. The fire-blocking performance of window partition walls of varying widths was systematically compared and analyzed, and the data indicated: (1) Under calm wind conditions, the installation of window partition walls is observed to facilitate the vertical spread of facade fires. Moreover, as the width of these partition walls increases, this facilitative effect becomes increasingly prominent; (2) Under wind speeds of 0 to 5 m/s, the temperature on the leeward side is lower when window partition walls are present than when they are absent. This indicates that window partition walls inhibit the horizontal spread of building facade fires, and wider window partition walls have better horizontal fire resistance performance.