Integrated design optimization method for novel vapour-compression-cycle-based environmental control systems
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The aircraft Environmental Control System (ECS) is the primary consumer of non-propulsive power at cruise conditions, hence, its performance optimization is crucial for the reduction of specific fuel consumption. A novel integrated system design optimization method is presented: thermodynamic cycle, component sizing and working fluid are taken into account simultaneously. This method was applied to the ECS of large rotorcraft based on a Vapour Compression Cycle system electrically driven by a high-speed centrifugal compressor. Steady-state and lumped parameter system component models have been developed using the Modelica acausal modelling language. The optimization design framework consists of an in-house code, featuring a Python-Modelica interface. The study case refers to a critical operating condition: the helicopter is on the ground during a hot and humid day. The working fluid is R-134a. The multi-objective optimization targets the maximization of the system efficiency and the minimization of system weight. The results show that more efficient systems can be designed only with heavier components. The design feasibility of high-speed centrifugal compressors is demonstrated. The advantage of an integrated system design optimization framework for complex energy systems is proved, allowing for the analysis of the impact of both component design and working fluid on system performance.