The Influence of Tide and Wind on the Propagation of Fronts in a Shallow River Plume
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In this study we used field data and radar images to investigate the influence of winds and tides on the propagation of tidal plume fronts. The measurements were collected in a shallow shelf region off the Dutch coast, 10 km north of the Rhine River mouth, and they clearly show the passage of distinct freshwater lenses and associated fronts at the surface that propagate all the way to the coastline. These fronts are observed as a sudden drop in near-surface salinity, accompanied by high cross-shore shear with onshore velocities at the surface. We determined the arrival time to our measurement site, frontal propagation speed, and structure of the fronts by combining the in situ data and radar images. Frontal Froude numbers show a wide range of values, with an average of 0.44. Our results show that fronts during spring tides are thinner, more mixed, and move faster relative to the ground during calm spring tides when compared to calm neap tides. Downwelling winds during spring tides result in thicker and faster fronts; however, the intrinsic frontal propagation speed indicates that the wind and tide control the frontal propagation mainly due to advection rather than by changing the frontal structure. Strong return currents in the near-bed layer resulting from fast and thick fronts increase near-bed turbulence and bed stresses. These high stresses suggest that the passage of fronts in shallow coastal areas can initiate sediment resuspension and contribute to transport processes.