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A.T. Gebremariam

3 records found

Carbon dioxide can be used during concrete production, which leads to stronger concrete as well as a sequestration method for CO2. While these technologies are developed quite far, they are currently not being used within society nor is there any systemic overview of the system a ...

Unlocking fRCA Potential: Mortar Testing & Optimization

Exploring the Impact of Fine Recycled Concrete Aggregates (fRCA) on Mortar Mix Strength

The increasing demand for sand in the construction sector underscores the need for sustainable alternatives to natural sand. This bachelor's thesis explores the application of Fine Recycled Concrete Aggregate (fRCA) produced by Heating air and classification system (HAS) from the ...
Construction and demolition waste form a significant problem in terms of environmental pollution and material depletion. Concrete, as part of construction and demolition waste, is already responsible for 9% of the total anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions. Consequently, it is ...