B.S. Groeneveld

6 records found

The EC: a device to diagnose urinary schistosomiasis in Ghana

Designed for local facilities as well as large-scale community screening sessions

This report is the result of a graduation project about Schistosomiasis, a neglected tropical disease caused by the Schistosoma parasite. And about a new technology to detect the parasitic infections. More specifically, to detect the urinary Schistosoma type, called S. haematobiu ...
This graduation project has been carried out in the context of the research project ‘Tailored Healthcare through Customer Profiling’ at the TU Delft, in collaboration with hospital Reinier de Graaf Group in Delft, and medical device company Zimmer Biomet. Together we focus in thi ...
Assignment. The Usher Syndrome is a hereditary disorder, where people's sight and hearing degenerates over time. As a result, being socially involved with other people can be challenging, especially in rooms that are low-lit and that include background noise. The project was init ...

Move On

Designing a persuasive game for arm and hand rehabilitation

Move On is a graduation project which is focused on redesigning the HandsOn game, a therapeutic game for arm-hand rehabilitation which is developed at Roessingh Research and Development (RRD). The HandOn game is a ‘mixed reality’, i.e. a video game played by interacting with phys ...

Improving collaboration in the work-directed care for knee-replacement patients

Facilitating collaboration between the occupational physician and orthopaedic surgeon in the return-to-work guidance of knee-replacement patients, by design

Currently 30% of all knee prosthesis patients do not return to work after surgery. This is partially caused by the insufficient guidance of the patient's care providers. the most important care providers in this are the occupational physician and orthopaedic surgeon. The current ...

A roadmap for development of a smart malaria diagnostic device

Use and acceptance of the Excelscope by healthcare professionals in Nigeria

Malaria is a life-threatening parasitic disease and the leading cause for high morbidity rates in developing countries. In Nigeria, the chosen context of this study, over 90% of the population is at risk of malaria infection, leading to 60% of the outpatient visits in Nigerian he ...